North Korea Leadership Watch

Research and Analysis on the DPRK Leadership

Kim Jong Un Attends Statue Dedication and Photo-op at KIS Military University (updated)

Kim Jong Un delivers a speech during a ceremony dedicating statues of his father, Kim Jong Il, and his grandfather, Kim Il Sung, at Kim Il Sung Military University in Pyongyang on 29 October 2012. The statues were dedicated to mark the 60th anniversary of the university’s foundation. (Photo: Rodong Sinmun)

DPRK state media reported on 29 October that Kim Jong Un (Kim Cho’ng-u’n) attended a ceremony which dedicated statues of his grandfather, late DPRK President and founder Kim Il Sung, and father, late supreme leader Kim Jong Il, on the campus of the Kim Il Sung Military University and a photo-op with faculty and employees of KIS Military University.  The university is celebrating the 60th anniversary of its foundation.  KJU’s last reported public appearance was his attendance of a commemorative photo session with participants in events held to mark the anniversary of the foundation of the Mangyo’ngdae and Kang Pan-so’k Revolutionary Schools.

Kim Jong Un’s remarks are at 11:39 in the video below.

(Photo: KCNA)

(Photo: KCNA)

Kim Jong Un delivers a speech at KIS/KJI statue unveiling ceremony at KISMU on 29 October 2012 (Photo: KCNA)

Kim Jong Un (C) stands in front of statues of KIS and KJI on the campus of KIS Military University in Pyongyang on 29 October 2012 (Photo: Rodong Sinmun)

KJU’s first appearance was a dedication ceremony for statues of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il, on the KIS Military University’s campus.  Attending the ceremony were VMar Choe Ryong Hae (Director of the Korean People’s Army [KPA] General Political Department [bureau]), Hyon Yong Chol (Chief of the KPA General Staff), VMar Kim Jong Gak (Minister of the People’s Armed Forces), Jang Song Taek (Vice Chairman of the National Defense Commission [NDC] and Director of the Korean Workers’ Party [KWP] Administration Department), VMar Kim Yong Chun (Vice Chairman of the NDC and Director of the KWP Civil Defense Department), VMar Ri Yong Mu (Vice Chairman of the NDC), VMar Hyon Chol Hae (1st Vice Minister of the People’s Armed Forces and Director of the KPA General Logistics Department) and Gen. O Kuk Ryol (Vice Chairman of the NDC).  Also attending the event, according to KCNA, were “officials of the party and armed forces, teachers and cadets of the university, graduates, officials of military schools at all levels, servicepersons of the KPA, military families, and officials and employees of those units which contributed to the erection of the statues” and “diplomatic envoys of different countries, representatives of international organizations and military attaches.”

Members of the Korean People’s Internal Security Forces’ all-woman Brass Ensemble perform during a statue unveiling ceremony on the campus of Kim Il Sung Military University in 29 October 2012 (Photo: KCNA)

Kim Jong Un shakes hands with Russian Ambassador to the DPRK Alexandr Timonin after a statue unveiling ceremony at KIS Military University on 29 October 2012 (Photo: KCNA)

Kim Jong Un shakes hands with Chinese Ambassador to the DPRK Liu Hongcai after a statue unveiling ceremony at KIS Military University on 29 October 2012. Also seen in attendance are VMar Hyon Chol Hae and Gen. Pak Jae Gyong (Photo: KCNA)

VMar Choe Ryong Hae, Hyon Yong Chol, VMar Kim Jong Gak, Jang Song Taek, VMar Kim Yong Chun and KIS Military University President Gen. Ryo Chun Sok, unveiled the statues which KCNA reported “shed bright rays” after they were unveiled.  Following the ceremonial unveiling, a series of floral baskets were delivered to the statues.  Kim Jong Un’s floral basket was delivered first.  It was followed by a floral basket sent jointly on behalf of the KWP Central Committee, the KWP Central Military Commission and the DPRK National Defense Commission, which followed by a floral basket sent on behalf of KIS Military University.  Other floral baskets were sent on behalf of the KPA General Staff, the KPA General Political Department (bureau), the Ministry of the People’s Armed Forces, a variety of KPA units and military schools, “units associated with the leadership exploits of the brilliant commanders of Mt. Paektu” and KIS Military University’s individual colleges and academic units.

Kim Jong Un then delivered a speech in which he said “that Kim Il Sung Military University is the university of Generalissimos Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il both in name and reality as it was built and developed under their energetic leadership and warm care, reviewing with pride the history covered by the university for six decades.”  According to KCNA KJU also remarked “theuniversity has grown to be the nation’s highest seat for military education and prestigious, world-level university which has a long history and opened a heyday of its development, he said, adding that it is entirely attributable to the wise leadership of the Generalissimos” and he “set forth the university’s mission, duty and tasks.”

After Kim Jong Un’s speech, the KPA Military Band and the Korean People’s Internal Security Forces’ all-woman Brass Ensemble accompanied “a march-past of guards of honor of the ground, naval, air and anti-air forces of the KPA, and worker-peasant red guards.”  KJU “saluted back to the marchers passing by the tribune of honor in fine array” and said that the musicians “vividly represented militant might and appearance of the elite army through the well-organized change of formation and lively and peculiar rhythms while sounding solemn and revolutionary military music.”  When the ceremony concluded, KCNA reported that “the cheers of ‘Hurrah!’ resounded” and that KJU “warmly waved back to the enthusiastic cheers of all the participants.”  Kim Jong Un then “exchanged greetings with diplomatic envoys of different countries, representatives of international organizations and military attaches here, invitees to the ceremony.”

A commemorative photograph of Kim Jong Un, members of the DPRK central leadership and senior DPRK military officials with the faculty and staff of the Kim Il Sung Military University, which is marking its 60th anniversary (Photo: KCNA)

Kim Jong Un’s next event was attending a commemorative photo session with faculty and employees of KIS Military University.  In attendance at the photo session were VMar Choe Ryong Hae, Hyon Yong Chol, VMar Kim Jong Gak, Jang Song Taek, VMar Ri Yong Mu, VMar Kim Yong Chun, VMar Hyon Chol Hae, Gen. Kim Wo’n-hong, Gen. Ri Myong Su, Gen. O Kuk Ryol, Ju Kyu Chang, Gen. Ryu Chun Sok and Jang Tong Un, and “other senior party and army officials.”

Kim Jong Un shakes hands with a faculty member of KIS Military University after a commemorative photo-op (Photo: KCNA)

Kim Jong Un applauds during a commemorative photo session with faculty members and employees of Kim Il Sung Military University. (Photo: KCNA)

According to KCNA KJU said “that the university developed into the highest seat of military education and the most effective and reliable military officer training center under the wise guidance of the Generalissimos” and “for the past six decades after its foundation, the university has brought up competent commanding officers who are intensely loyal to the leadership of the party and capable of fulfilling their role in a great war for national reunification.”  Kim Jong Un also remarked that “teachers, who are professional revolutionaries and un-assumed hard workers, are preparing cadets to be commanding officers of the revolutionary armed forces of Korea, he said, stressing that they are dependable comrade-in-arms of the supreme commander and assets valued by the WPK.”

KCNA reported that KJU “encouraged them, noting with appreciation that the graduates from the university who constitute the backbone of the army and the core of the revolutionary armed forces are discharging their heavy yet honorable mission and duty in defending the socialist homeland” and  that he “expressed the conviction that the teachers and employees of the university would improve the military education as required by the developing Korean revolution and bring up more commanding officers possessed of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il’s strategies and perfect capability of fighting an actual war, and had a photo taken with them with the statues of the Generalissimos for a background.”

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October 2012